The Magic of Mushrooms

The Magic of Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms have long been a mainstay in traditional Chinese medicine as well as being used in many other countries for their health benefits. There are quite a few varieties of mushrooms used medicinally, and you may have heard of several. Lion’s Mane and Reishi mushrooms get a lot of attention. We’ll discuss those here but also cover a couple of other lesser known types that may be worth looking into to improve your health.

To Sleep or Not to Sleep? That is the Question.

To Sleep or Not to Sleep? That is the Question.

Ah, sleep. There’s nothing quite like a good night’s rest. Tucked in under the covers and catching some zzzz’s for eight hours… What? You’re not familiar? Let’s look at some ways to address that. Sleep is probably the most under-rated protective health measure out there. Without deep, restorative sleep, your body cannot complete the processes of healing and regeneration that are meant to take place during sleep. The number of hours of sleep necessary varies some but it is generally advised to get between six and eight hours of sleep per night.